
Friday, August 15, 2014

To work faster

If a task or a task is large and complex, such a task manually or on behalf of the people with regard to work, it may take a few hours or a few days. Or a combination of computational work in Computer maybe a quarter of a million in a second can. We have calculated the time in seconds, minutes and hours of the unit. However, the computer can work much faster. As well as the speed that can not be revealed just seconds. A working computer in the second period of a quarter to a hundred million. Second smallest of Units as follows: -
1 ml of seconds = 1 second divided by one thousand.
1 micro-seconds = 1 second, a quarter of a million.
1 nano-seconds = 1 second divided by one hundred koti.
1 piko seconds = 1 second divided by one hundred million.

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