
Friday, August 15, 2014

The second generation of computers (1959-65

Second generation computers were a lot more than the first-generation computer speed, with the ability to work and form much smaller. The second generation was much higher than the speed of the computer, with the ability to work and form much smaller. The second generation of computers and many progressives tranasistarera being used instead of vacuum tubes. This is the second generation of computers used tranasistara smaller. American Bell laboratories in 1947 (Jhon Bardeen) (William Shockley) & (Walter Brattain) tranjistara coined. Use of vacuum tubes in the power consumption is much lower, the parts are not hot, action - are the leads. Second-generation computers are used modular designs and different parts of the circuit board is placed on the head. The second generation of computers began to compose high-level language program. Generation in computing the magnetic cores are beginning to use. This period has been used as a popular computing hanioyela - June 00, IBM -1400, 1600, IBM -1401.16 0, CDP 1604 RCA 301 and 501, -300, etc. enasiara. The main features of the second generation of kampitaragulora -
A / tranasistarera Use
B / Using Magnetic core memory
C / Fortran / Cable emergence of programming languages​​, development and use of highly
D / appliances come in smaller
E / low heat until
F / do to increase the speed of
G / gaining confidence and independence.

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